Wednesday 4 March 2015

Task 1:D images

I had great fun reminiscing over old photographs during this task. Take a look at my link below there are lots of pics from my time working as a dancer.

They say " a picture speaks a thousand words" which I think is true. I can be awesome on paper, my CV says I'm great,  however the camera doesn't lie! Ha ha. True though isn't it? I can look at a picture of a dancer and think "wow, he/she is fantastic, great lines, good body, nice face".......or it can tell a completely different story about that person, "you may talk a great job, but that photo of you in that split leap really says otherwise" you get my gist?
It is all about photographs and videos these days. I am a great lover of pictures, I love Facebook and Instagram for that very reason. Sometimes you can get a job just by sending a photo and a video. I think show reels are bigger than ever these days. When I started out my show reel was on VHS, I had to post it and I mean really post it, at the post office. I am making myself sound really old now, I'm not, I'm only 29, but that is how fast things have come on. It is almost incomprehensible.
Images and videos are a huge part of our culture these days. My Facebook news feed just used to be full of people's status' for example " just bathed the kids" who cares? " just took the bin out" big deal, but now it is full of photographs and videos, some personal and some that are trending. My newsfeed is full of photos and videos now. I can actually watch Facebook instead of the telly ( which my husband always does) we are both watching different videos a friend has posted on facebook. It is very interesting to look back and see how things have progresses.
So the moral of task 1:d The image is powerful! what is that picture saying about you? A thousand words remember! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Danni,

    Your photos are great. I especially like the one of you jumping into splits and there is a clear blue sky in the background, you look so happy! Shows off your skills and how much you love your job.

    Lisa x

  3. Hi Lisa, thank you so much for your lovely comments. X

  4. Hi Danielle.

    It's so true what you said about facebook changing and how you can literally watch facebook now. It's important people realise the power of pictures and what they put out there because like you said it can potentially get you a job! J
