Tuesday 3 March 2015

Dance is a visual art not a sport!

This Morning during the Skype session I mentioned that I had seen slight debate in one of my dance networks on linked in. It was regarding dance not being a sport but a visual art. A few of my fellow dance Bappers were interested in this concept and thought maybe it could link in with their enquiry so I have popped the link below for you to have a little look at and I hope that you can gain something from it.


So, what do you think? Is dance an visual art or a sport? I personally think that it is an art but I can't understand why people are getting their backs up so much on this topic? A quote from one lady was "when it is done vulgarly, it is a sport". What is so wrong with it being classed as a sport? I suppose it goes hand in hand with a dancer not being an 'athlete' but an 'artist'. Is it possible to be both? Is a gymnast an artist? 
I am sitting on the fence with this one a little bit because I think it is a compliment for a dancer to be compared to an athlete, normally people don't realise how hard we have to train to be a dancer, especially ballerinas. It takes lots of hours and self discipline to build the stamina, strength and technique to be a good dancer. I think that some people who are not necessarily educated in this field don't realise how hard it actually is. 
What I am trying to say is generally normal joe blogs next door probably has no idea how hard it is to stand on point, balance and spin round multiple times all simultaneously, he probably has no comprehension to how much strength that takes. However when he ran for the bus last week, he almost had a coronary just running 100m at a moderate pace, so he will take is hat off to Jessica Ennis because he has actually experienced how hard it is and how much stamina is needed. I think sometimes people see dancing as effortless, which is how it should be perceived, you don't want to see a dancer puffing and panting and making every move look laboured because that is not how it is supposed to be.
So back to the original question, can dance be classed as a sport?  I hope this has got your brain cogs turning, Thank you for reading.

Danni x


  1. Thanks for this Danielle I agree this is a current debate- especially in teaching!

  2. Thank you for your comment Paula, I have just been doing some more research into tis debate, I didn't realise how big it was. It is very interesting.

  3. When I think of sport I think of it being competitive and although we compete for jobs in the dance industry as far as performance goes I believe it to be an art rather than a competition. I think that what you said about being classed as an athlete is a bit harder to judge, I would consider dancers athletic so does that count? I suppose I would class gymnastics as an art form but it depends why they are doing it whether they are competing or performing for an audience. Thank you for posting this.

    1. Ha , I didn't realise I could reply until it was too late, I have put a comment and a link below that may interest you, x.

  4. Hi Sarah, I have never really thought about this before and it turns out that it is very interesting. I have copied a link to a video below for you to have a look at. It is only a couple of minutes long. It is quite comical actually it is 2 young girls discussing this debate but some really good points are uncovered! It is interesting to hear other opinions. I hope you like it.


  5. Good debate.

    I think that Dancers have to be extremely fit - it is a sport in a different way. Whether you are a good dancer cannot be measured in who is first past the finish line or in world records. Dance like you say needs to look effortless and is an art. It is also interpretive - one person thinks looks good another may not. It is not as straight down line as most sports you would think of. In a way I find it even more impressive because dancers have to have strength and technique yet tell a story at the same time. That's not easy! I really admire that aspect of dance.

  6. We have this debate at the school I teach at as many of the students want to use dance as a sport for their Duke of Edinburgh awards and the assessors say that it is a skill not a sport.....I think this is a very interesting topic and like to hear others opinions :)

    1. It is very interesting, I'm still sitting on the fence but my legs are over the visual art side ;) ha ha.
