Tuesday 3 March 2015

Reader 2, journal writing and thinking about thinking.

I am trying to power through with these tasks as much as I can because I am going away to sea in a few weeks and with work commitments onboard my blogs will slow right down for a while I think.

So I am half way through reader 2 and there is a lot of information to take in. I am trying to do spider diagrams to keep track of key bits of information. I am hoping it works. The spider diagram has worked well for me in the past, it is a good brainstorming tool I find.

I have started to write my reflective journal although it just seems like a load of babble at the moment, I'm not sure I'm writing the right things, not that there are right or wrong things to write. I gather it is down to your own interpretation again. I'm sure it will all make sense as we plod on.

Now, the thinking about thinking, I'm not sure I'm doing that right either. Ha ha I know this sounds a little daft but I feel you have to take on a whole new way of thinking on this course. You need to think out side the box which as a rule, I'm not always that good at, but I need to get good at it and fast. I really want to do well in this course but feel if I don't find my correct thinking cap it won't be that easy. I am a thinker, I over think things all the time, I think about things from all angles and probably think about things that no one else would but I need to start to think like a bachelor of the arts. How can we transform our thoughts from - dancer to academic superstar? Ha, we probably can't, but I am open to any suggestions. Thank you for reading your thoughts and advice are more than welcome.

Danni x


  1. Exciting that you are off to sea! How long are you away for?

    I get what you mean about lots of information to take in. I've read only two pages of reader 2 and already made plenty of notes that have popped into my head and things that I want to look into further.

    I am going to start my journal tonight too. It will be great for you to keep a track of what you have learnt and been up to while you are away.

    Lisa x

    1. I'm away for 2 and a half months, I am slightly worried about the wifi situation, but I will just have to get on with it and make the most of what I can.

      I have been doing quite a lot of reading today, I have read reader 2, loads of blogs and a chapter from Boud, but now I feel more lost than when I started lol, one minute I think it is all becoming clear then bam, I'm sinking in a sea of words again. Agh I hope I get my head round it soon, I wanted to power on, however I feel like I'm wading through treacle awaiting rescue by some academic genius. I can hope ha ha.

      Thank you for reading my blog Lisa. X
