Thursday 5 May 2016

Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations

As I learned from module two, ethical considerations are very important. A lot of my fellow students I believe have very complicated ethical issues due to working within schools and working with children. I feel quite lucky in that respect as I am working with adults who are well over 18 so I do not have as many implications in that area. However, my inquiry is not without ethical concern.

My topic of ‘career transition in dancers’ can be a highly sensitive subject for some individuals and I was fully aware of the impact it could inflict on my participants if not approached with caution and sensitivity. This  means I did need to tread very carefully. I was very mindful when putting my questions together but still made sure that all my dancers were aware that they should not answer any question in which they did not feel comfortable with and they could terminate the interview or withdraw from my inquiry at any time for any reason with no repercussion. 

I verbalised that all was confidential with great attention to the (Data Protection Act 1998) and that I would follow the BERA (British Educational Research Association) guide lines. I also sent out consent forms to make them aware of this too. I made sure I stuck closely to the ethical guidelines to ensure I did everything correctly. My main aim was for the welfare of my participants to which I think I managed achieve.


British Educational Research Association (2011) Revised ethical guidelines for educational research. BERA

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