Friday 15 April 2016

Getting there

I feel like I am sort of getting there, although what I have written might be a right load of old waffle. As Jessica mentioned that she was struggling with the word count, I am also. I have managed to get my introduction bob on with 500 words! Boom! I was going to try and carry on the word count perfection, however it hasn't happened and I probably shouldn't  go down the road, it's not necessary, I have bigger fish to fry right now. 
Those transcripts took a long time, I almost wanted to defer 😂. I am using a lot of quotes  from them, I hope I'm doing this right. I almost feel like I'm sailing somewhere with no map, compass, in thick fog, blind folded and just hoping I'm going in the right direction. It's ok though I have acquired some help. 


  1. Keep going Danni!!! I feel the same but we are nearly there!! Is that your dog? Sooooo cute :) How far are you through your draft now? I'm on 3,300 words! ah! Hoping to get it finished today and organise all my appendices. xxx

    1. Hiya Lisa,

      I am so glad you feel the same. It is my mum and dad's dog, Bradley, I was dog sitting ha ha. I hope you are getting there and managed to sort your appendices. I just tried to sort mine out earlier, nightmare lol. not long now eeeeeek. xxx

  2. Hi Danni, glad you're doing well! I'm struggling a bit on board but I'm trying to plow on. I'm closing my eyes to the word count at the moment!
    How are you getting on with you're artefact?

    Granger x

    1. Hiya Granger,

      I really do not know how you are managing being at sea. I am so glad I am at home at the moment otherwise I just don't think I could do it with the lack of internet and communication. If you need me to google anything or download you something I can and I will email it to you. hmmm the artefact, it's still in my imagination at present ha ha, how is your coming on? xxx

  3. Sooo the end is nearly here Danni!!I too have mostly felt like a ship sailing without a map or compass haha! I hope all went well with developing your artefact :)

