Tuesday 1 December 2015

Skype session, Ethics Form, HELP.

This morning we had a skype session with Adesola, Bethany, Jess, Kayleigh, Lara and Peter and it was really good to just talk. I had a few queries regarding the Ethics form, for example, the question of 'have your participants been given information about the aims process, risks......' I can choose Yes, No or N/A. So what do I tick at this point in time? At first I ticked yes sort of pre emting that fact that I will when that time comes, however that means I'm technically telling lies right now which isn't ethical 😜. So then I ticked No with the explanation that I will do that once my inquiry has been approved. Then it was suggested maybe I put N/A, so I guess at this moment in time it is not applicable,  but it will be applicable later, agggghhhhh. I settled for No, because I don't even have a plan to give participants information on, I have a draft but it's not the real thing. I don't know what are your thoughts? Yes, No, Maybe, phone a friend, 50/50???? Help. What did you put?


  1. Hey Hun,

    I had the same thoughts about some of the questions. There are things that I will do, like fully explain the inquiry to participants. However, we can't do that until we have approval? So surely we have to put 'No' for now but explain in the box that we will be putting these things in place once we have received approval?

    Lisa x

    1. I'm so glad you are having the same thoughts ha ha. I think that is the best thing to do really. The worst that can happen I guess is they tell us we are wrong answer just do it again.
      Hope you are doing ok Lisa,

  2. I have no idea what to put - ARGH!!! I agree with Lisa in explaining :)

    1. I think we just have to put 'yes' because we will do once we get to that point.
