Friday 20 February 2015

The Importance of a CV.

So, the CV is an extremely important tool within any industry not just Dance. It has to be perfect. This is essentially the first impression your potential employer will get of you and we all now how important a first impression is.  I have 2 CV's, one for what I call "normal jobs" and one for dance jobs. The "normal job" is what performers have to do in between performing contracts, I have had many of those, some good some not so good, but a job is a job.
My "normal CV" and my "Dance CV" are rather different. I am constantly updating my CV to try to make it better and yell to my potential employer "pick me, pick me", however, it doesn't always work. So, how can I make my CV stand out from the crowd without covering it in sparkles and spraying it with perfume? (that isn't recommended by the way), how can I make me look great on paper? How can I dazzle the potential employer without the Jazz hands and sequins? It's not easy, I feel quite boring on paper, just plain old black and white. So, I am going to upload both my CV's so you can have a little look and any advice you could give me to help create my perfect draft would be excellent. I look forward to your comments.  Thank you Bappers.

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